Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So now I'm thinking about getting an Associates degree and then transfering to CSU to study Biology and English so that I can become a high school teacher. Everything seems to be falling into place at this point, which is neat except for the fact that it's like one of those cartoons of a snowball rolling down the mountain, gaining speed and causing an avalanche that sweeps up the unsuspecting skier.

I put myself in the position of the person skiing. Even though I don't ski. Ever.

Um, so that basically means that while everything is happening very quickly for the better and I'm excited about it, the whole thing is also very exhausting and I'm tired. I haven't slept well in over two weeks, just because the change is hitting me like a mac truck and my dreams are really turbulent. I'd be happy with a nice night of good sleep for once - one with not sleeping heavily in one position or the opposite of waking up every few hours to roll over, and one where my dreams are a lot less odd.

I do have to say that odd dreams have a plus side to them, which is that while they drain me of decent sleep, they also give me something to think about during the day and possible story ideas.

However, decent sleep sounds really good right now.

One an entirely different note...

I've been watching a lot of videos on youtube lately. I found these two guys that I just love to pieces now; their videos really make me laugh because of the topics and stuff. I don't know if it's just because I'm like almost 19 and so the humor really hits my age group or if I'm really weird. Anway, the first guy is called Mitchell Davis and you can follow this link to get to his station:

I have to warn you, he is very, very random. Which is what makes him good, in my opinion.

The other person is Shane Dawson, who keeps me in stitches. He is cool and asks for feedback on almost all of his videos. Here's how to get to his station:

That's how I've been spending my free time. Well, that and knitting up a storm and spending waaaay too much time on facebook. Lol. I'm enjoying my freedom before school starts in the next few weeks.

So there you go, blog followers. My life in a nutshell. I'll update again in a bit.


Monday, April 27, 2009

Totally random

So I did it. I went and I registered for my summer class at the community college. And then I paid, for it and the book. Not cheap, neither the book or the class. But I am really excited. It's a start on the road to my future. Tomorrow I'm going to meet with an advisor to discuss what classes I need to take in the fall.

I think I'm going to declare my major as Wildlife Biology (a passion of mine since I was very young) and my minor as English (because I love words). Then I'm going to get a secondary teaching degree so I can teach high school. How cool is that going to be??

Anyway, this was just a random little update. I'll let you guys know how it goes tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Wow, it has been a while...

Hi everyone who reads this blog! My apologies for being away for so long - I can't believe it's been almost a month... I actually have two really good reasons for being away for so very long.

The first is that my laptop, the computer I generally use for this sort of thing and whatnot, broke like a month ago. Before you go flipping out like I did, it didn't entirely break. Actually, the only thing that happened was the piece inside the machine where you plug in the cord to charge the battery shorted out. Like as in completely fried and broke and became unusable. So my dad and I took my laptop apart, found what piece it was, and ordered a new one. Once that came in (it had to come from Canada for some reason...they are the only ones who sell parts for my particular laptop), it was a matter of finding the time when both of us were home to replace it. We did it last night and I am very pleased to say that after almost two hours of work, we got it in and it is working wonderfully.

I would also like to take the time to mention how cool it is that I am doing all the maintence of my computer myself. I bought the computer, I pay for the parts, and I install them myself with my dad. How many teenagers can say that? To date, I have added more memory and replaced the one piece mentioned above. I also know how to take everything apart on it and put it back together again. It's awsome.

The other reason I was gone for so long was the production I was in. I believe I mentioned it a few months ago. It was called "Requiem for a Superstar" and was a cross between "Jesus Christ Superstar" and Karl Jenkins "Requiem". I was a member of the chorus (second soprano) and I had a two minute monologue as Jairus' Daughter. I am very pleased to say that the show went incredibly well. I still had a ton of nerves (I don't like to be the center of attention or focus - that's why I wear so much black and generally keep to myself), but I was told I did wonderfully.

I think my favorite parts of the show were the "Jesus Christ Superstar" moments - the music is very catchy and the guys who did Jesus, Judas, and the rest were just amazing. I really was blown away by them and I admire their acting styles; they don't seem to be afraid to hold anything back. Plus, our two directors were incredible. This was my first acting thing since elementary school, and my first big production of this sort. I enjoyed working on it so much that I am planning on auditioning for the next thing, whatever it may be.

And since I'm going to go to community college for two years, I'll have plenty of opportunity.

So that's whats been going on - rehersals out the wazu and a broken PC. But now that the show is over and the computer is fixed, I'm going to try to get back to updating regularly. I'm going to strive for at least once a week, as school is going to start pretty soon for the summer.


Until we meet again, Cyberspace.
