Sunday, February 28, 2010

You Have GOT to be Kidding Me...

I have a cold. Or something similar to it. I have had it since Thursday (the day of my second bio test, which I got a C on) and am now at the point where I pretty much have no energy. I just pulled out my violin and practiced until I could not play and had to lie down on the couch. I am now successfully relocated to the bedroom and am under like four blankets as I type this.

I still have to study for my lab practical, write up my lab paper, work on my major paper due in April, and do my math homework.

I am brain dead with no energy.

My body chooses the worst times to get sick. Another week and it will be spring break - why could it not have waited til then? Although, I have plans with one of my friends over break, so I guess it's good to not be sick then...

Okay, my energy is gone. Until next post - pass the tissues, please...


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