Friday, October 28, 2011

Weekend At Last!

Oh my gosh.  What a stressful week and a half this has been.  Thank God for the weekend.

So, school was scary this week.  I can't really go into detail, as I'm trying to both stay unknown in the situation and because I don't think this is the kind of thing that many people want leaked out. Just know that everything was alright and that there was no problem of any kind.  Ok?
So there was that.

On top of it, I am swamped in things.  It's like everything is due on Tuesday.  No joke, people.  I have a short story due, my part of a presentation due, a surrealist poem due, a poetry portfolio and reflection page due, essay questions for a humanities test due, and the other half of said humanities test to take Tuesday.  Plus I need to start my humanities research paper and I need to finish my reading responses.  I have three left.  Well, two and a half, technically.



Halloween is Monday.  I get to go with my boyfriend when he takes his little brother (his bro is almost 6 and is his half brother) Trick or Treating.  His brother is going as Black Spiderman from the new movies, my boyfriend is going to Indianna Jones, and I'm going to be a kitty cat.  We're going shopping for a cat tail tentatively tomorrow night, he and I.

My knitting is good.  Still designing as many projects as I can for my hopeful book.  Still working my way through new and exciting techniques.  I would love to do it today, actually, but the truth is that after I finish this post, I have to get some of that homework done.

So yeah.

Life is awesome though, even in the rough parts.  Which is always good. :)

Also, the St. Louis Cards have made it to game seven of the World Series!! Being from the St. Louis area, I have massive pride.  I've been watching the games all week.  Tonight's the final one.  Let's hope they show Texas where it's at. =D

I hope your Friday is awesome, dear readers.  Enjoy it.


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