Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June Already?


May just flew by.  Anyone else feel that way about it?  It's like it was there one minute, then gone the next.  Crazy.

Not that I'm complaining.  I really enjoyed the month of May.  It was a great month here.  School got out, I got a great boyfriend and fell head over heels, my sister graduated high school, then she got her black belt, and then she turned 18. 

Busy but good.

I'm looking forward to June.  I'm going to be teaching a class of 6 or 7 year olds at VBS, my sister is having her graduation party, my friends and I are hanging out, and I get to spend plenty of time with my boyfriend.  It's great.

So summer has turned out to be quite good so far.  Even without a job.

Let's hope it stays that way.

Enjoy the start of June, dear readers.


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