Sunday, March 28, 2010

I Finally Caved and Joined Twitter...

I know, I know. It's just like Facebook and all the rest: I say I'm not going to do it cause I'm all about non-conforming and crap, and then I go and join. And I like it.

I know nothing about Twitter except that it allows me to stal- I mean follow my favorite celebrities. Oh, and it gives me another place to complain or whatever, and to shamelessly push this blog. Oh yes, I am going to get the viewer count up on this if it kills me.

So, school is going, and I have, yet again, another mountain of homework for this week, and instead of doing any of it, I joined Twitter and am now currently blogging about it. I am such a good procrastinator, I could make a career out of it. No joke at all. Although, I think I might get bored not doing anything stimulating with my life...

I don't know how I feel about Twitter. Give me a week and I will let you know how it's working out for me. Geez, it sounds like I'm breaking in a new pair of shoes or something...

On other fun and exciting news, I got my Bio test grade posted. I somehow passed with a B on it, which is really remarkable considering that I missed one class period due to not feeling well and that I really had no idea what was going on. My overall grade in the class is hovering around an 80%, which is again fairly remarkable because the average they expect from the class is a C or lower. Still, it's low compared to what I'm used to, but I think I'm going to choose to not worry about it. My professor has assured me that it is bound to get more interesting from here on out, mainly because we are done looking at the functions of cells.

If I ever have to learn about the organelles inside plant and animal cells again, I think I'm going to run out of the room screaming and crying at the same time.

Today, among joining Twitter, I also spent a good part of the morning putting various songs they did on MST3K onto my iPod. My favorites by far are the Godzilla Geneology Bop and the Pleasant Journey. I really like the Fugitive Alien Medley and the Hike Up Your Pants song, but I haven't found those on audio file yet...

If you haven't figured it out by now, this is probably a good time to tell you that I am, in fact, a nerd. Not a full-fledged, Big Bang Theory type (yet), but a nerd of sorts. I mean, I try to do well in school, I can quote various things such as Star Trek, Watchmen, and the Lord of the Rings, and I have taught myself one phrase in Vulcan. And I have Star Trek ska bands that I occasionally listen to (Nerf Hender, people, Nerf Hender...).

After the excitment of putting MST3K music on my iPod, my little sister Katie and I walked over to the local 7-11 to get food. I love their taquitos - terrible for you, but oh so good.

So anyway, this has gone on waaay too long, and I am rambling like you would not believe. I better stop while I'm at least somewhat ahead...

Until next time, Cyberland Readers,


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