Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May the 4th Be With You.

Happy Star Wars day, my fellow nerdy readers!

It's a beautiful day here.  The sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, and my homework is nearly done for the entire semester.  Then the fun of summer can begin.

I finally have a job interview.  It's over at Macy's.  I'm pretty excited.  Provided they don't work me to death, I think it can be a fun job.  Plus, they have the cutest clothes and I might be able to get a discount, which is nice.  We'll see how it goes; I'll keep everyone posted.

Tomorrow is my last day of school for the semester.  Provided I don't screw up between now and then, I'm going to have my 4.0 again.  This makes me immensely happy.

And now I get to go finish up what I have left.  Afterwards, I plan on knitting until my fingers fall off and reading until my eyes blur.  Because that sounds like a plan to me.

Welcome, summer.  Welcome. =D


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